Akram Tannery Kasur

How to choose the right leather tannery for your business

Choosing the right leather tannery for your business is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. Leather is a popular material used for centuries in various industries, such as fashion, furniture, and automotive. However, not all leather is created equal, and the quality of the leather you use can greatly impact the success of your business.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on choosing the right leather tannery for your business. We will cover everything from the types of leather to the tanning process, as well as important factors to consider when selecting a tannery.

Types of Leather

Before we delve into the tanning process, it’s essential to understand the different types of leather.

The type of leather you choose will depend on your specific needs and the industry you’re in.

Full-grain leather:

It is the highest quality leather made from the entire thickness of the hide. This means that it includes the outer layer, or “grain,” which is the most durable part of the hide.

 Because it is made from the entire thickness of the hide, full-grain leather is thicker and more durable than other types of leather.

 It is also more expensive than other types of leather because it requires more processing and produces less yield per hide.

Full-grain leather is commonly used in high-end fashion and furniture because of its durability and how it develops a beautiful patina over time.

 It is also more resistant to moisture and stains than other types of leather.

Top-grain leather:

It is the second-highest quality leather and is made by removing the top layer of the hide, which contains the hair follicles and other imperfections.

This makes top-grain leather thinner, more pliable than full-grain leather, and slightly less durable.

 Because it is lighter and more flexible, it is commonly used in fashion accessories such as bags and shoes.

Top-grain leather can be finished with various coatings or treatments to enhance its appearance and durability.

Split leather:

It is made from the lower layers of the hide, which are not as durable or attractive as the top layer.

 Split leather is typically thinner and less durable than full-grain and top-grain leather, but it is also less expensive. Split leather is commonly used in lower-end fashion and furniture because it is more affordable.

Split leather can be finished with coatings or treatments to enhance its appearance and durability.

Tanning Process

The tanning process is the most crucial factor in determining the quality of the leather.

There are two main types of tanning: vegetable tanning and chrome tanning.

Vegetable Tanning: 

Vegetable tanning is an ancient method of tanning that dates back to prehistoric times.

This process involves using natural materials, such as bark, leaves, and fruits, to create a tanning solution. The process is time-consuming and expensive, as producing high-quality leather can take several weeks.

The tanning begins by soaking the animal hides in water to remove debris or dirt. The hides are then placed in large vats of tanning solution, typically containing tree bark or other plant materials. The hides are left to soak for several weeks, during which the tanning solution slowly penetrates the hide, resulting in high-quality, eco-friendly leather.

Vegetable tanning produces firm leather with a natural look and feel. The leather is also durable and develops a unique patina over time.

This process is ideal for producing leather products that require high durability, such as shoes, belts, and bags.

Chrome Tanning:

 Chrome tanning is a modern tanning method introduced in the early 20th century.

This process involves using chromium salts to create a tanning solution, which can be applied to animal hides in a few hours


The chrome tanning process begins by soaking the hides in a solution of chromium salts, which causes the hides to become tanned and more flexible.

The tanning process is faster and more cost-effective than vegetable tanning, as it can be completed in several hours rather than weeks.

The leather produced by chrome tanning is softer and more pliable than vegetable-tanned leather.

However, it may not be as durable or eco-friendly as vegetable-tanned leather. Chromium salts used in chrome tanning can harm the environment if not disposed of properly.

Chrome tanning is commonly used in the fashion industry to produce leather goods such as jackets, handbags, and upholstery.

 It is also used in the automotive industry to produce leather car seats and interiors.

In summary, vegetable tanning and chrome tanning are two different methods used to produce leather. While vegetable tanning is a time-consuming and expensive process, it produces high-quality, eco-friendly leather that is durable and develops a unique patina over time.

 On the other hand, chrome tanning is faster and more cost-effective but may produce less durable and eco-friendly leather.

Important Factors to Consider

When selecting a leather tannery, there are several important factors to consider. These factors will ensure that you are selecting a tannery that produces high-quality leather while also taking into consideration the environmental impact of the tanning process.

Quality Control:

 One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a tannery is its quality control measures.

 Look for a tannery with strict quality control measures to ensure that the leather they produce is of the highest quality. This includes checks for defects, thickness, and color consistency.

Environmental Impact: 

The tanning process can significantly impact the environment.

Choose a tannery that uses eco-friendly tanning methods, such as vegetable tanning, with measures to minimize its environmental impact.

This includes water recycling and treatment, energy efficiency measures, and renewable energy sources.


Consider the tannery’s capacity and ability to meet your business’s needs.

 Make sure they can handle the volume of leather you need and can produce it within your desired timeframe.


 Choosing a tannery close to your business can help minimize transportation costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

This is especially important if you plan on ordering large quantities of leather.


 Finally, consider the tannery’s reputation in the industry and look for positive reviews from previous customers.

 A tannery with a good reputation is more likely to produce high-quality leather and provide excellent customer service.


Choosing the right leather tannery for your business is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Consider the type of leather, tanning process, and important factors such as quality control, environmental impact, capacity, location, and reputation when deciding.

If you are looking for a leather tannery near you, I suggest go for Akram tannery that specialize in leather tanning.

At Akram Tannery, we understand the importance of selecting the right leather tannery for your business. We have established relationships with some of the world’s finest leather producers due to the quality of our leather and the tanning process.
